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Liars, fakers and cheats: how we protect businesses against review fraud

mercoledì 14 settembre 2022
Liars, fakers and cheats: how we protect businesses against review fraud

The internet is rife with fake and fraudulent reviews, ones that exploit people’s trust in an effort to steer them towards the fraudsters’ goal — taking them off the confident purchasing pathway, and down the horror film ‘shortcut’ that leads nowhere.

Frauds and fakes are eroding consumer confidence like a sandcastle facing the tide, wrecking the online shopping experience that should bring nothing but great things.

We hate this. It’s a problem for everyone, and we’re at the frontline of solving it.

In our latest eBook, Liars, fakers and cheats: how we protect businesses against review fraud, we lay out the kinds of issues we see people facing on a daily basis, the impact this can have on individuals and eCommerce as a whole, and most importantly — how we’re actively chasing the liars off the internet.

The power to stop liars, fakers and cheats is in your hands.

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